Positive Discipline Policy








St. Columb’s PS., Cullion is a child-centred and welcoming school whose dedicated staff are committed to the Catholic statement of aims. Our daily work revolves around the development and achievement of each child’s academic, social, physical and emotional potential within a safe and stimulating learning environment. We involve our pupils in learning experiences that encourage positive attitudes to learning, positive relationships, self-confidence and discipline. We have high expectations of our pupils and of ourselves and we strive to promote an atmosphere of involvement and belonging by caring about each individual child and recognising and catering for their needs.

We are mindful at all times of our motto – ‘Growing Together’. We use every day to grow in friendships, grow in self-confidence, grow in respect for ourselves and others, grow healthily, grow as a community of governors, teachers, non-teaching staff, pupils and parents and grow in partnerships with other schools, community groups and outside agencies.

We expect our pupils to work hard, to keep the school rules and to co-operate fully with all staff.  We expect our pupils to share responsibility within the school and to participate in its life and work, using and developing all their talents.



In St. Columb’s PS we provide a supportive environment which adapts to the needs of pupils of all abilities and backgrounds.  We aim to organise the educational provision within the school, so that each child has the opportunity to develop physically, intellectually, socially and spiritually and so develop all talents to their full potential.  We create a happy environment in which pupils can learn effectively and develop a sense of self esteem and self control. We encourage parents to be active partners in the education of their children, we expect parents to accept the school’s positive behaviour policy.  We shall implement our policy fairly and consistently.  Should the need for pupil suspension arise, we shall follow the procedure laid down by CCMS.



  • To ensure that each member of the school community feels valued and respected.
  • To support the way in which all members of the school community can live, work and grow together in an environment that is happy, safe and secure and where effective learning can take place.
  • To promote teaching and learning through the building of good relationships based on mutual respect and consideration for others.
  • To help children become positive, responsible and independent members of the community.
  • To reward good behaviour and provide encouragement and stimulation to all pupils.
  • To treat all children fairly and apply this policy in a consistent way.
  • To ensure that children play an active part in the drawing up of the class rules/charter.
  • To teach and model values and attitudes as well as knowledge and skills, in order to promote responsible behaviour, self-discipline and respect for self and others in a local community and global context.



Everyone in the school community will be:  
  • Considerate
  • Courteous
  • Co-operative
  • Friendly
  • Hardworking
  • Honest
  • Trusting
  • Responsible
  • Caring




  1. Be a good friend
  2. Work hard
  3. Keep the classroom tidy
  4. Listen to others when they are speaking
  5. Share and work together
  6. Use good manners



  1. Walk quietly inside the school building
  2. Help others in the classroom and playground
  3. Be kind with your words and actions
  4. Use good manners and share well
  5. Be a friend
  6. Respect all school property and equipment
  7. Follow canteen rules



  1. Stay seated until dismissed
  2. Talk quietly at your table
  3. Line up sensibly
  4. Use good table manners
  5. Be patient and polite
  6. Clean up after yourself




Serious Breaches of Discipline include:

  • Persistent intentional disruption of class
  • Vulgar, abusive and inappropriate language
  • Threatening behaviour
  • Bullying
  • Assault on a pupil with the intention to cause injury
  • Assault on a member of staff
  • Damage/theft of property


When a serious breach of discipline is reported to the Board of Governors, they will act in accordance with the scheme prepared by CCMS under Article 49 of the 1986 Order (Scheme of Management) in respect of the suspension and expulsion of pupils from maintained schools.






Whole school:

  • Verbal praise from Teacher
  • Sent to another teacher for praise including Principal
  • Stickers
  • Stars
  • Badges
  • In-class incentive systems/rewards system – J2Stars (whole school system)
  • Individual class reward
  • Positive written comments
  • Extra play for good behaviour
  • Star of the Week award at assembly.




  • 3-point warning system (for a single day only)
  • Class teacher will give child a verbal warning with explanation as to why receiving warning in line with class, school and/or policy rules. (in the extreme, these steps will be accelerated depending on the severity of the incident)
  • Child will be given the opportunity to discuss the situation and will be encouraged to modify behaviour.
  • If behaviour continues - class teacher will give child a 2nd verbal warning.
  • On the 3rd warning (on the same day only) the child’s name will be placed in the “Yellow Book” with the Principal.
  • Their behaviour will be monitored over a 1-week period
  • Once behaviour is positive within 1-week period in the classroom/school their name will be removed.
  • If, after applying the previous steps, no improvement in behaviour/attitude is evident after 1 week, parents will be informed by class teacher.
  • If behaviour then continues, child may be;
  • Teacher shadowing at break time.
  • Sent to Principal.
  • If necessary, parent referred to Principal to discuss problem.
  • If, after applying all previous steps, no improvement in behaviour/attitude is evident, the pupil may be placed on a Behaviour IEP so that behaviour can be closely monitored, and parents will be informed. All challenging behaviour will be documented and after consultation with the Principal and Special Needs Co-Ordinator, the child may be placed on the Special Needs register.
  • Advice and assistance for the school and the pupil may be sought from other professionals, eg. Education Welfare Officer, Educational Psychologist, Behaviour Support Team, RISE NI.
  • If necessary, referral of the problem to the Board of Governors
  • Extreme and serious misconduct may result in suspension or expulsion under the terms set out by DE/NEELB





Children are supervised in the morning from 8.30am in the playground/classroom.

At break time, children are supervised by teacher on duty and classroom assistants.

At lunchtime, children are supervised by lunchtime supervisors.

At home time, children are handed over to parents/authorised collectors at the school gate and children using school bus are escorted by staff member on to the bus. Parents are expected to collect their children promptly - 2pm for P1/2, 3pm for P3-7 and 4pm for after-schools (unless otherwise notified of finishing time).

Any child leaving school during school hours must be accompanied by a parent/authorised collector who has signed the child out.

Children and parents must use the pedestrian entrance gate into/out of the school building.






To feel safe and secure within the school environment


To valued equally and to be treated with respect


To receive an appropriately planned and resourced curriculum


To be acknowledged for effort and achievement in their classwork and homework


To be positively affirmed for abiding by the school’s disciplinary code


To be listened to sympathetically


To have opportunities to pursue and develop interests, talents and abilities.


To come to school on time and to be suitably prepared


To show respect for people and property – both inside and outside the school


To behave in a safe and responsible manner


To co-operate with teaching and non-teaching staff and with peers


To ask for help when experiencing difficulties.









Parents play a vital role in enhancing their children’s self-esteem, in setting behaviour boundaries and in reinforcing the academic and social boundaries being enforced within the school. Strong links with parents and good communication are high priorities in St. Columb’s PS. We inform parents if we have any concerns about their child’s welfare or behaviour and we encourage and accept parents making any concerns they have known to the school (teacher/Principal).





Parents are entitled to expect that:


Their child will be educated in a safe and caring environment


Their child will be provided with a broad balanced and appropriate curriculum


They will be informed about school rules and procedures


They will be informed about their child’s physical and emotional well-being


They will be regularly informed about their child’s academic performance


They will be involved in key decisions about their child’s education


Their child will be taught in a well resourced and well-maintained classroom


They will have reasonable access to school and staff

Parents have a responsibility to:


Ensure that their child attends school regularly and punctually


Support School staff by encouraging their child to abide by school rules


Ensure that necessary books/equipment are brought to school


Ensure that homework is completed satisfactorily


Show interest in school work, meetings and functions


Inform school of changes in home and circumstances where they impact on their child’s ability to perform well at school


Inform school of child’s special medical needs


Encourage independence in their child





To be valued as members of the school community


To be treated fairly and with respect by pupils and all members of the teaching staff


To have adequate facilities and resources to enable staff to perform their duties effectively


To be well informed about school rules and procedures


To have opportunity to contribute ideas and have them taken into consideration when decisions concerning the smooth running of the school are being taken



To come on time, well-prepared for the day ahead


To co-operate with colleagues and teaching staff


To act in ways which aim to secure the safety of all pupils at all times


To share with teaching staff and Senior Management any concerns they have about pupils


To be aware of school rules and procedures


To handle sensitive information in a confidential manner at all times


To seek support from colleagues and Senior Management as and when required





To work in an environment where the rights of all are respected


To play a constructive role in policy making


To express their views freely


To have adequate and appropriate resources and accommodation


To have a suitable career structure and opportunities for professional development


To provide positive support and advice from senior colleagues and external bodies


To feel valued


To behave in a professional manner at all times


To prepare and resource lessons thoroughly, taking the ability and aptitude of pupils into account


To show interest and enthusiasm in pupils’ work and learning


To expect high standards and to acknowledge effort and achievement


To ensure that class work and homework are appropriately marked


To share with parents any concerns about their child’s progress and development


To recognise the individuality of each pupil



All the teachers in St. Columb’s PS will work hard to build good discipline practices so that effective learning can take place. Staff will:

  • Organise classroom space and resources carefully.
  • Set tasks which enable all pupils to regularly achieve success.
  • Give instructions and guidance in clear understandable language.
  • Use positive rather than negative language to communicate expectations and feedback to pupils.
  • Praise or reward disrupting pupils as soon as acceptable behaviour is observed.
  • Be reasonable, firm, fair and positive.




We aim to work as a community to provide a well-ordered, disciplined, safe and caring environment for our children. We strive to encourage our children to make informed choices for their good and the good of others and become good citizens who show respect, tolerance, care and empathy for others. The effects of the implementation of this policy will be monitored by all staff within the school. Pupil behaviour of specific pupils where inappropriate behaviour has been identified will be carefully observed to check for improvement both in the classroom and throughout the school. This policy will be reviewed regularly.