Health & Safety






1         The Council for Catholic Maintained Schools recognises and accepts its                  responsibilities for health and safety at work, and in particular those duties created through Article 4 (Employers Duties) of The Health and Safety at Work Order (N.I.) 1978 and related legislation. Allied duties towards persons other than the Council’s own employees, as laid down within Article 5 and 6 of the same statute, are also acknowledged and accepted by this statement.


2         The Council will also take all reasonably practicable steps to pro-actively meet its responsibilities both for those in its direct employ, as well as for those employed by Education and Library Boards at Catholic Maintained Schools under the terms of Article 88 of The Education and Libraries (N.I.) Order 1986.


3                In discharging these obligations, the Council will, as far as is reasonably

         practicable, through the promotion of the use of applied risk assessment in the workplace as required by the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations (N.I.) 1992, pay particular attention to the provision and maintenance of:


(i)         a safe place of work, safe access to, and safe egress from it;

(ii)        plant, equipment and systems of work that are safe;

(iii)       safe arrangements for the use, handling, storage and transport of articles and substances;

(iv)       sufficient information, instruction, training and supervision to enable all employees to be adequately protected from harm whilst also enabling them to contribute positively to their own safety and health in the workplace;

(v)        a healthy working environment;

(vi)       adequate welfare facilities.



4          Without detracting from the corresponding health and safety responsibilities of Trustees, Boards of Governors, Principals, Senior managers and Supervisors, for ensuring safe conditions of work, the Council, where reasonably practicable, will provide competent technical advice on health and safety matters, as required, to assist its management in addressing such related tasks.


5          The Council will, both corporately and through its local school management structure, co-operate fully with formally appointed employee health and safety representatives and will ensure that they are provided with sufficient facilities as are necessary to carry out their health and safety role. The Council will, where requested also co-operate in the setting up of health and safety committee(s) and will liaise with Education and Library Boards with a view to agreeing the representation on such committee(s).


6          The Council recognises that its employees also hold personal health and safety responsibilities as individuals under Articles 8 & 9 of The Health and Safety at Work (N.I.) Order 1978, to take care of their own safety and that of other persons whilst at work, as well as to fully cooperate with it in carrying out its corporate responsibilities successfully.


7          The Council will continue to establish procedures to monitor and further increase the effectiveness of its Health and Safety Policy.


8          A copy of this statement will be issued to all employees.   It will be reviewed, added to, or modified from time to time and may be supplemented in appropriate cases by further statements relating to the work of particular groups of workers.






Signed  …………………………………………….


Chief Executive                      Council for Catholic Maintained Schools

























For  St. Columb’s PS., Cullion


This School’s policy is to provide and maintain safe and healthy working conditions, so far as reasonably practicable, for all our staff and pupils and to encourage a safe culture within the school.  The Council for Catholic Maintained Schools’ Health and Safety Policy Statements are adopted and complemented by the School’s Policy Statement.


It is the School’s policy to provide adequate information to identify needs in respect of training and provide supervision for the health and safety of staff and pupils.


The Board of Governors also accepts responsibility for the health and safety of other people who may be affected by School activities.





1          The Chief Executive


The Chief Executive has overall responsibility for all matters relating to the health, safety and welfare of all persons employed by the Council, and for ensuring that members of the general public who may be affected by or on behalf of the Council are not thereby exposed to reasonably foreseeable risks to their health or safety.


In the discharge of these responsibilities the Chief Executive shall:


  • require senior officers to initiate and control appropriate safety procedures within their areas of responsibility to give effect to the spirit and intention of the Safety Policy;
  • regularly review the effectiveness of the Safety Policy with each of the senior officers taking into account reports of safety performance compiled by the Council’s Safety Adviser or other designated officer, and where necessary require them to make any amendments or improvements to the Policy;
  • require senior officers when making recommendations to the Council to take account of the safety implications associated with the activities, plans and deployment of resources with special regard for the safety needs of employees and the general public; and,
  • ensure that any defects or hazards which are brought to the Council’s attention by the Education and Library Boards and which are the Trustees’ responsibility are rectified where reasonably practicable by the Trustees.





















2          The Health and Safety Adviser


The Council’s Health and Safety Adviser shall be the Policy Development Officer (Equality/New TSN/Health and Safety).  This officer shall advise the Council of the development and application of the Council’s Health and Safety Policy and its safety programme and assist in its revision and the development of associated safety procedures.


The Health and Safety Adviser will liaise with the Education and Library Boards’ Health and Safety Officers or other designated officers with regard to:


  • the interpretation of relevant health and safety legislation and regulations in order that all schools and sections may comply with relevant legislation and regulations within their scope;
  • the interpretation of Codes of Practice issued under the Health and safety at Work (NI) Order 1978 so that all relevant Codes are adhered to and good safety practices are observed;
  • the arrangements, in liaison with other specialist staff, for the inspection of buildings, plant and equipment in use in all school premises so as to ensure that (i) health and safety requirements are being met, and (ii) the identification of hazards to health and safety and the advice on the measures to be taken to rectify them are reported to the Council;
  • the maintenance of accident statistics, advising on accident reporting procedures, processing applicable accident reports and liaising with the Council’s insurers, the Education and Library Boards’  legal departments and all sections on claims for compensation arising from accidents to teaching staff; on the processing of accident reports and consequent claims for compensation;
  • the analysis of accident statistics and recommendations on health and safety measures to prevent their recurrence;
  • assisting in the development of training programmes, in conjunction with the Council’s and Education and Library Boards’ other specialist staff;
  • communicating on behalf of the Council with the Health and Safety Executive and other enforcement agencies on all matters regarding health and safety at work; and,
  • liaising with recognised safety representatives, safety committees and trade unions.











3          Boards of Governors


Governors have a statutory responsibility under the Health and Safety at Work (NI) Order 1978 for ensuring that the Council’s Safety Policy is both understood and implemented in schools under their control.


The Schedule to the Scheme for the Membership, Procedure and Functions of the Board of Governors of maintained schools and the Scheme for the Local Management of Schools also assigns to Boards of Governors a number of functions, duties and responsibilities in respect of Health and Safety.


In discharge of their statutory responsibilities Governors must ensure:

  • that all teaching staff appointed by them hold appropriate qualifications both to teach the subjects required of them and to use the necessary equipment and machinery;
  • that both teaching and non-teaching staff are provided with regular training that will assist them to work safely;
  • the maintenance of procedures for the safety of both teaching and non-teaching staff who come under their control;
  • that an inspection of the school premises and equipment is carried out by them at least once per year and that a report is submitted to both the CCMS Chief Executive and the Chief Executive of the relevant Education and Library Board;
  • the prompt and efficient maintenance of

(i) all equipment,

(ii) all non-structural repairs,

as defined in the relevant Annex of the education and Library Board’s Scheme for the Local Management of Schools;

  • that contractors carry out their undertakings in a safe manner so as to ensure the health and safety of all personnel on the premises;
  • that all equipment and materials either purchased or acquired by them are suitable and safe for their use; and,
  • that both teaching and non-teaching staff are issued with a copy of the Council’s and School’s Safety Policies












4          Principals


Principals of schools are responsible for the day to day application of this Safety Policy both for teaching and non-teaching staff. In the discharge of this responsibility each Principal shall:

  • ensure that both teaching and non-teaching staff are provided with regular training that will assist them to work safely;
  • ensure the provision and maintenance of procedures for the safety of both teaching and non-teaching staff who work on the premises;
  • ensure that all staff are aware of any instructions or safety advice pertaining to their particular discipline issued by either CCMS, the relevant Education Authority or the Department of Education;
  • ensure that all safety reports pertaining to the school are understood and that the detailed work has been completed;
  • ensure that adequate arrangements exist for carrying out regular fire drills and that all staff participate in, and are aware of, such arrangements;
  • report to the Board of Governors all defects and hazards which are their responsibility (EA – Scheme for the Local Management of Schools and CCMS/EA Health & Safety Manual);
  • ensure that safe systems of works are used by contractors or persons carrying out inspections or non-structural repairs which are the Governors’ responsibility as set out in the relevant Board’s Scheme for the Local Management of Schools and that reference has been made to the Council’s and Boards’ Health and Safety Manual;
  • report all defects and hazards which cannot be dealt with under the scheme for Local Management of Schools to the responsible officers both in CCMS and in the relevant EA;
  • ensure that all accidents to teaching staff are reported promptly to CCMS.  In the case of non-teaching staff, all accidents must be reported to the relevant EA;
  • ensure that all staff operate safe working practices in the execution of their duties.
  • ensure that risk assessments have been carried out to assess all significant risks within the school; and,
  • ensure regular checks of buildings and grounds to promptly identify and deal with potential hazards as they become evident.


In the absence of the Principal/Designated Teacher, the Deputy Designated Teacher (Miss D McStravock) will assume the role.










 Staff/All Employees


Each member of staff has a responsibility to exercise care and attention regarding the safety of themselves and pupils/students under their care.


In the discharge of this responsibility each teacher shall:


  • ensure that they take reasonable care during their work activities to avoid accident or injury to themselves, other members of staff and pupils/students;
  • exercise effective supervision of the pupils and know the emergency procedures in respect of fire, first aid, etc; and how to carry them out;
  • ensure that all protective clothing and equipment as required are both available and used by themselves and pupils/students;
  • report all potential hazards affecting health and safety to Principal and make recommendations on safety equipment and on additions or improvement to plant, tools and equipment which are dangerous or potentially so;
  • ensure that they use steps to assist them in reaching heights;
  • report all accidents/injuries to the Principal/Designated Teacher or in the case of her absence, the Deputy Designated Teacher and ensure that Accident Forms are completed;
  • co-operate fully with the Principal on all matters pertaining to Health and Safety (such as accidents, injuries or dangerous occurrences); and,
  • observe all safety instructions and advice issued by CCMS, the EA or the Department of Education, and observe all safety rules relating to specific machinery or processes.




















5          Supervisors


Those staff who have supervisory responsibilities are responsible for the practical application of the Safety Policy and Safe Working Procedures.


In the discharge of this responsibility supervisors shall:


  • encourage staff under their control to employ safe working practices and pay particular attention to the Sectional Safety Policy;
  • assist CCMS and the relevant EA to develop safe working practices and arrange for their adoption;
  • instruct new employees in appropriate safety measures and the procedures laid down in the relevant safety manuals;
  • ensure that all defects in equipment or protective clothing are corrected and reported accordingly to the Principal;
  • report all accidents, injuries and dangerous occurrences and actions to the Principal/Designated Teacher and in her absence the Deputy Designated Teacher; and,
  • provide accurate information as required in the investigation of injuries, accidents and/or dangerous occurrences.

























6.  The Building Supervisor/Cleaner



The Building Supervisor has responsibility for checking the general conditions of the premises, in particular, non-classroom areas (e.g.,) the Boiler House and Switch Room etc. and for ensuring that health and safety hazards are dealt with or reported immediately and advice sought as necessary.


In the discharge of this responsibility the Building Supervisor will:

  • ensure that appropriate cleaning/caretaking resources are in place and properly maintained
  • ensure that stores are kept clean and tidy;
  • ensure that cleaning materials are labelled and correctly stored;
  • ensure that all chemicals are stored in their original containers;
  • ensure that flammable liquids are stored according to EA/CCMS guidelines;
  • employ safe practice in carrying out duties to ensure his/her own safety and the safety of other employees and pupils;
  • ensure that he/she is adequately trained in the safe use of equipment and procedures, wear protective clothing and that electrical appliances are regularly checked for safety;
  • follow the CCMS/EA/COSHH guidelines for the safe storage of hazardous substances and seek advice as required;
  • maintain the school site – ensuring Health and Safety at all times

            (e.g. hazardous weather conditions (gritting and salting)/gutter clearance, etc);























Pupils are expected to:

  • exercise personal responsible for their own safety and the safety of others (eg. their peers);
  • Observe standards of dress /wear appropriate clothing consistent with staying safe and for hygiene reasons (eg. wear PE gear and appropriate footwear during PE lessons);
  • Follow the safety rules in their classrooms, the canteen and whilst outside;
  • Follow instructions given by staff;
  • Use things provided for their safety/education and do not misuse, neglect or interfere with such items.






Parents are expected:

  • to support the school in all Health & Safety matters; and,
  • ensure that they have provided the school with up to date contact addresses and telephone numbers so that parents may be swiftly contacted in emergencies.
























                       ST. COLUMB’S PS., CULLION





The aim of our school is to create an atmosphere of carefulness both in and out of school, this is for all users of the school, children, school staff, parents and the community.


This carefulness includes:


          the ability of each individual to protect him/herself;


          concern and consideration for the safety of others;


          knowledge of what to do in certain situations;


          alertness and control; and, 


          cultivation of good habits.
































1.         Definition


2.         Supervision


3.         Administration of Medicines


4.         Health Checks


5.         Smoke Free Zone/Fire Safety/Bomb Alerts/Emergency Procedure


             6.           First Aid


7.         Accidents


8.         Car Parking


9.         Movement of Equipment


10.       Security of Premises


11.       Contractors on site and Guidance


12.       Forms for reporting of accidents to Pupils and Employees















1.        Definition and Rationale behind this Health And Safety Policy



We believe that children learn best through practical experiences and active involvement in all areas of the curriculum. Children are taught to have care and consideration for themselves and others.


Good safety habits are taught as part of the whole curriculum. This can be through topics, for instance, a safe place to play which could include Science, English or Technology, and the involvement of outside agencies such as the police, fire brigade, PTAA, Mid-Ulster District Council, NSPCC, Cancer Focus NI, etc.


At St. Columb's P. S. - Cullion children are encouraged to develop healthy habits through good health and hygiene routines:


·     In the classroom (see Supervision of pupils)


·     When moving around school


·     When using equipment e.g. scissors, tools, PE apparatus


·     When carrying out investigations e.g.  a pond, pollution, soil studies


·     When on educational visits


·     Emergency Procedure




At the beginning of each school year, each class/composite class discuss and agree their classroom rules to promote positive behavior as well as safety in the classroom.


In accordance with EA safety regulations, educational visits are carefully planned in advance, with staff visits made if possible. Details are sent to parents. Children are asked to wear appropriate clothing for the activity planned. The correct adult to child ratio is always followed, and a first aid kit and list of emergency phone numbers are taken.



St. Columb's P. S. - Cullion has set procedures in case of an emergency in school, such as a fire or bomb alert when the building needs to be evacuated. These drills are carried out at least once a term. All staff and children are familiar with these procedures, and know their own exit route, place of assembly and roll call procedure.


Fully equipped first aid boxes are kept in the medical room (new build) and in the secretary’s office (old build) as is the school's accident forms register. A list of any medical conditions (including allergies) children have are in the possession of each teacher and on display in the staffroom and secretary’s office.  If the accident is more serious, the aim of the school is to get the child qualified medical attention as quickly as possible.  Parents are informed straight away, and if necessary, an ambulance sent for.



Accident forms are filled in for any accident requiring professional medical attention, or caused by any defect in the school or its equipment.



The Caretaker, under the direction of the Principal, is responsible for ensuring that the building provides a safe and healthy environment for the children. The Caretaker and DSO employees maintain a clean and tidy building and grounds. Any minor repairs or maintenance are completed by the Caretaker, or through the use of authorised contractors. Any equipment/hazardous substance is kept locked away from the children. All equipment is to British Standards and is maintained regularly.



























2.        Supervision of Pupils


A.               Morning Arrival


 Pupils are asked in the interests of Health and Safety not to arrive at school before 8.30 a.m.  


Each morning, a designated teacher will be supervising pupils in the school hall from 8.30am-9am from where classes will be collected by their teacher and escorted to their classroom.


B.      Break Supervision


Break time is from 10.45am – 100am for all classes. 2 classroom assistants supervise the trike playground and 1 teacher + 1 classroom assistant supervises the back playground/football area. Each day the teacher on duty must maintain contact with the pupils throughout this time.   They are also responsible for pupils lining up after break is over and ensuring all pupils return safely to their class.  The teacher on duty is solely responsible for the safety of the children and will be held accountable in cases of negligence of their duty. 


C.        Lunchtime Supervision


Lunchtime begins at 12.10am and finishes at 1pm with 2 split lunch sittings on a rota basis.

At lunchtime there are 3 supervisors to ensure the safety and wellbeing of our pupils.  All pupils eat in the school hall where a supervisor will ensure order.  When the first sitting are finished, they are escorted by the supervisor out to the playground to allow for the second sitting to come in for their lunch with a supervisor. 

All supervisors maintain supervision until lunchtime ends at 1.00 p.m.  At this time, they ensure that the pupils line up and remain orderly until each teacher takes their pupils back to class.  The supervisory staff on duty are responsible for the safety of the children and will be held accountable in cases of negligence of their duty.

NB Wet/Cold Break and Lunchtimes

On very cold or wet break, pupils will remain indoors. Classes will remain in their own classrooms with P1 joining P2/3 and the supervisors/teacher son duty will supervise them. The lunchtime supervisors must ensure that they remain with the class until the class teacher returns.


Parents wishing their child to remain indoors during break/lunch times must provide a written note, indicating number of days.






D.      Safety at Play


Those on duty at break and lunch times are asked to note the following points;


Children to play in sight of supervisor at all times

Pupils may only play on the grass areas when authorised to do so by the Principal as these areas are wet and muddy for the greater part of the school year.

Pupils are only allowed to play in the tarmac areas at the side and rear of the school.

Rough play, pulling, dragging, chaining, etc. is not allowed and will be dealt with by those on duty.  Serious occurrences must be reported to the Principal.



N B    Incidents and accidents must be recorded in the Incident/Accident Log Book.  The staff on duty will treat minor injuries but when they suspect serious injury they should inform the recognised school First Aiders.




E.       Classroom Safety


It will be the responsibility of each class teacher to ensure the safety of their pupils during lessons.  Staff will train pupils in appropriate behaviour and techniques for using potentially hazardous equipment e.g. scissors, saws, etc.  Each staff member will also at the beginning of each school year with the pupils draw up their own classroom rules and remind pupils of these at the beginning of each term.  These will be openly displayed for all pupils to see.




F.       Physical Education/Activity.


For any physical activity, children change into appropriate wear, pumps or trainers for both outside and activities. It is part of our school policy that children do not wear any form of jewellery, for safety reasons.












3     Policy on the Administration of Medicines during School Hours (also see Administration of Medicines Policy)


From time to time, parents request that the school should dispense medicines which need to be administered at regular intervals to children.

These requests fall into two categories:

·     Children who require emergency medication on a long term basis because of the chronic nature of their illness (for example, asthma and epilepsy)

·     Children who are suffering from casual ailments (coughs, colds etc.)

Generally, no member of staff will administer medicine to children.


Parents are responsible for the administration of medicine to their children and if a child needs a dose of medicine at lunchtime, the child should return home for this or the parent should come to school to administer the medicine.

For casual ailments it is often possible for doses of medication to be given outside school hours. The school does not administer medicines for casual ailments.

If it is unavoidable that a child has to take medicine in school for treatment for a long term illness to be effective, then each individual case will be considered. Please note that teachers are not required to dispense medicines as part of their contracts and any involvement would be purely on a voluntary basis.


For the school to agree to assist in long term medication:


·     Children should have a formal care plan detailing the pupil’s medical requirements. Parents must write to the school giving authorisation for medicines to be administered to their children. This needs to include instructions regarding the quantity and frequency of administration

·     The medicines must be brought into school in a properly labelled container which states:

     (a) The name of the medicine, (b) The dosage and (c) The time of administration

·     Where possible the medicine should be self-administered under the supervision of an adult. Medicines will be kept in a secure place by staff in accordance with safety requirements

An emergency contact numbers must be given where an adult is available at all times.


Where long term needs for emergency medication exist, the school will require specific guidance on the nature of the likely emergency and how to cope with it while awaiting paramedical assistance.

Detailed written instructions should be sent to the school and the parent/guardian should liaise with their child's class teacher if the emergency is likely to be of a serious nature.





4.      Health Checks



Each Year the school Nurse, Dentist and Doctor visit the school to carry out regular health checks on the pupils and where necessary they deal directly with the parents especially if any problems are identified.


5. Smoke Free/Fire Safety/Bomb Alerts and Emergency Procedures


Smoke-Free Zone

·       It is the policy of the Governing Body that St. Columb’s PS., Culion is a smoke-free zone

·       Smoking is not permitted in any area of the school (both inside and outside) by staff, parents or visitors to the school

·       No-Smoking signs are clearly displayed around the building


Fire Safety

In compliance with fire safety regulations, procedures are as follows;

·       Fire alarm tested weekly to ensure that it is working properly

·       Fire-fighting equipment is checked regularly and inspected annually by the EA – a record of annual checks is maintained

·       The fire evacuation procedure is displayed prominently in all rooms and resource areas

·       A fire drill takes place at regular intervals and at different times in the day each term

·       Fire exits, exit routes and fire-fighting equipment will remain free from obstruction



Emergency Procedure.


In the event of a fire/bomb alert, the Principal or designated person must;

·       Ring the fire alarm to activate the evacuation of the premises of all adults and children if the alarm has not been activated already

·       Phone 999 for the fire brigade and police

·       Check that evacuation procedure has been followed

·       Remain at the front of the school to meet the fire brigade/police and direct them to the incident

·       All children and adults must remain outside at the designated assembly point. In the event of a real fire, where circumstances necessitate, pupils and adults may proceed to St. Patrick’s Chapel, Keenaught if there is a lot of smoke/flames close to the school assembly point

·       Only when the all clear has been given, will classes be enabled to re-enter the premises

If the alert is a practice, then the alarm company/fire brigade must be informed before the evacuation of the premises takes place.


As soon as the fire alarm sounds, all children and adults must stop what they are doing and walk out of the building through the nearest exit to the assembly point which is the football area. Exit routes for each classroom are displayed clearly in each classroom, dining-area and other public areas. If your normal exit is blocked for any reason then use the nearest available exit.


Staff Responsibilities.

·       The register will be brought from the school office.

·       Each teacher checks that all the children are present, then report back to the Principal.

·       Nobody is to go back into school. If a child is missing it must be reported to Principal.

·       When the all clear has been given your class may then go in.

·       Please make sure your children walk in and out of school sensibly, and line up quietly.


Lunchtime Fire Procedure

  The Supervisors on duty in the playground shall on hearing the fire alarm gather all children together away from the building (forming class lines in the assembly point area) and ensure no child re-enters the building

·       Supervisors on duty in the dining area shall evacuate all children from the building and ensure on the way out that any toilets are vacated

  Staff members shall evacuate all children from the building and ensure on the way out that any toilets are vacated

  The Principal will ensure, as far as it is reasonably practicable, that the rest of the building is vacated.



6.      Policy on First Aid in school (see First Aid Policy)


All staff, both teaching and non-teaching are responsible for dealing with minor incidents requiring first aid.

During lesson time first aid is administered by the class teacher or classroom assistant. If an accident occurs in the playground and first aid is required, then one of the staff on duty in the playground should come to the staff room and request the assistance of the child's class teacher or classroom assistant as appropriate. At lunchtimes first aid is administered by the  supervisors.

If there is any concern about the first aid which should be administered then the qualified first aiders must be consulted.


The qualified first aiders are:

Miss Carr

Miss Kilpatrick

Mrs. McKeever

Mrs Campbell

First Aid training

First Aid courses are organised and updated every 3 years in compliance with regulations and all staff attend.


First Aid Boxes – located in school office (old build) and medical room (new build). Miss Carr and Miss Kilpatrick are responsible for checking the contents of the First Aid boxes on a regular basis and replenishing stock.


Safety/HIV Protection


Always wear disposable gloves when treating any accidents/incidents which involve body fluids. Make sure any waste (wipes, pads, paper towels etc.) are placed in a disposable bag and fastened securely. Any children's clothes should be placed in a plastic bag and fastened securely ready to take home.



Recording Accidents


All accidents must be recorded in an Accident/Incident book in the school office.   If a child gets a bump on the head, class teachers must also contact the parent/guardian by telephone or speak to the parents in person.



Allergies/Long Term Illness

A medical record sheet has been compiled of any child's allergy/long term illness for example asthma, and details on any child whose health might give cause for concern. The information is given to each teacher.




7.       Accidents


Accidents fall into four categories:

·     Fatal

·     Major injury (fracture of the skull, spine or pelvis, fracture of any bone in the arm other than a bone in the wrist or hand, fracture of any bone in the leg other than a bone in the ankle or foot, amputation of a hand or foot, the loss of sight of an eye, any other injury which results in the person injured being admitted to hospital as an inpatient for more than 24 hours, unless that person is detained only for observation. It might be that the extent of the injury may not be apparent at the time of the accident or immediately afterwards, or the injured person may not immediately be admitted to hospital. Once the injuries are confirmed, or the person has spent more than 24 hours in hospital, then the accident must be reported as a major injury).

·     To employees resulting in more than three days consecutive absence

·     Other accidents


Accidents in the first two categories should be reported immediately to:


County Hall Ballymena (Legal Department)     Telephone:    028 25635555


The accident should be reported by telephone immediately, and then confirmed in writing on the appropriate form. Category 3 accidents are reported to County Hall within 7 days on the appropriate form.

If the accident is more than a minor one for child or adult, please report it immediately to the Principal or Vice Principal who will send for an ambulance if needed and contact parents.

When in doubt, contact parents/guardians.


Other accidents


These are the accidents which more commonly occur in school.

Procedure to follow:

·     Always fill in the accident book for minor injuries (including all bumps on the head, but not minor cuts and grazes) .It is found in the school office.

·     If a child has a bump on the head you must inform home or contact the parent/guardian.

·     Fill in the accident report book if the parent/guardian has to be sent for to take the child to the family doctor or to hospital for further treatment.

·     Ensure the Principal or the Vice Principal are informed.

 Appropriate Forms will be completed and Copies will then be taken for:

     (1)          NEELB

     (2)          School Records



Reporting School Accidents


Certain accidents arising out of or in connection with work are reportable to the Health and Safety Executive under the requirements of the Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 1985. The following gives practical advice to schools on compliance with this duty.


It is not a complete statement of the duty.


When informed County Hall Will see to the notification of all relevant bodies.


Employee Accidents


(This applies to all Education employees and self-employed persons on school premises).


Any accident to an employee resulting in a fatal or major injury must be reported to County Hall  immediately by telephone. The details must be confirmed on the appropriate Form within 7 days.


If the accident does not result in a fatal or major injury, but the employee is incapacitated from their normal work for more than three days (excluding the day of the accident) there is no need to telephone, but  a Form must be completed and sent to County Hall within seven days of the accident.



Pupil Accidents

(Including accidents to any visitors not at work)


Fatal and major injuries to pupils on school premises during school hours must be reported in the same way as those to employees. However, injuries during play activities in playgrounds arising from collisions, slips and falls are not reportable unless they are attributable to:


·     The condition of the premises (for example, potholes, ice, damaged or worn steps etc.


·     Plant or equipment on the school premises


·     The lack of proper supervision


Fatal and major injuries to school pupils occurring on school sponsored or controlled activities off the school site (such as field trips, sporting events or holidays in the UK) must be reported if the accident arose out of or in connection with these activities.










8.           Car Parking


Car parking is a concern at St.  Columb's P.  S.  - Cullion as it is a hazard for those who use the school. It is also a hazard for neighbours who live within the vicinity of the school. Drivers parking cars at the school, near it or dropping or collecting children at the school should at all times have consideration for the safety of pedestrians, other road users and the immediate community. Regular letters to parents emphasise the following:

·     Proper use of parking bay/roadside parking

·     Parents not to enter school grounds with a car

·     Parents to walk in with pupils in the morning/evening via the entrance/pedestrian gate

·     Pupils availing of school transport are escorted to the bus in the evenings by a member of staff


9.       Policy on Children Moving Equipment

In the normal day to day running of the school, there are certain situations where children will need to move equipment or items of furniture. For example:

·     Chairs and/or tables

·     Sports equipment

·     Small items of equipment


Children must always be supervised when moving any equipment or item of furniture. Some items they will need to move may be heavy or awkward to handle. Children need to be shown how to lift and carry safely. This needs reinforcing on regular occasions.



PE and Sports Equipment

When using large apparatus, children must be trained in how to move, lift and set out each piece of apparatus. This includes how to lift correctly, and how many children are needed for moving each piece of equipment (this should include how to bend), for example netball posts – one child at each end.



Chairs should be moved one at a time, and children must be shown how to carry them correctly. They may carry single chairs on their own. If a large number of chairs are needed, then the Caretaker will supervise.

Tables need one child at each end, a child must not attempt to lift a table on his or her own.

Heavy objects may need at least two children per item as they are awkward to handle. Children need to be shown how to pick them up and put them down so that their fingers or feet are not trapped.

Small items of equipment include tape players, CD players, PE trolleys etc. can be moved freely by the children.

Always make sure when any item of equipment or furniture is being moved from one room to another, that there is another child available to open and close doors

Items Children Should Not Move

·     Computers – monitors can easily fall off trolleys, or wires get caught

·     Piano – although on wheels, it can tip, and feet or fingers become trapped                                                                                                                       

·     Paper cutters – sharp blade, can tip or slip.


10       Security of the Premises


The Principal, Caretaker are the designated key holders and are responsible for the security of the building. To gain admittance to the school, all visitors must sound the Buzzer at the front door. All visitors must report to the office. All visitors must sign the visitors’ book and will not be permitted to enter areas such as pupils’ toilets without the principal’s permission. Toilets need to be vacated before any maintenance work will be allowed to be carried out in them.

All staff will be vigilant at all times and challenge/report any person in the school grounds they are unsure of.

All doors will be ‘on the buzzer’ during the school day – 9am-2/3pm. Teachers and classroom assistants will assist in handing over pupils to parents/authorized collectors at the end of the school day.


Class teacher

It is the responsibility of the class teacher to make sure that their classroom is secure, windows closed and equipment switched off before leaving the premises.



It is the responsibility of the Caretaker to check daily that:

·     All locks and catches are in working order

·     The emergency lighting is working

·     The fire alarm has no faults.

Before leaving the premises, to check:

·     All the windows are closed

·     The doors are locked and secure 

·     All gates are bolted


Principal/Designated Teacher

It is the responsibility of the Principal or Designated Teacher to perform the above functions in the absence of the Caretaker.

In addition, the Principal is responsible for the security of the premises during the

school day. Any parent is welcome in school but is asked to report to the office first. These points must be adhered to, but in no way detract from the open door policy of the school.


11        Contractors on Site


·     Contractors are encouraged to telephone and make appropriate arrangements prior to visiting the school. They must either contact the Principal or Caretaker.

·     All contractors must report to the general office. The Caretaker will then be informed of their arrival

·     Contractors will work under close supervision of the Caretaker so as not to endanger the health and safety of children or adults in school

·     Any equipment that contractors bring into school must be stored in a safe place away from corridors, classrooms, or any areas used by adults or children

·     No repairs or maintenance can be carried out in areas which children or adults are occupying, this includes cloakroom and toilet areas

·     If contractors are working near the children's play areas, then all equipment and machinery must be cleared away during this time, and the contractors must leave the area

All work will be monitored by the Caretaker and any concerns reported to the Principal, the contractor concerned and the appropriate department at the NEELB.


Guidance for Contractors on Site

We have been recommended by the Health and Safety Inspector NEELB to ask you to refrain from:

·     Smoking in the building or in the grounds as we are a no-smoking school

·     Talking to the children (our children are asked not to talk to strangers)

·     Moving vehicles when children are at play

·     Working on or near the playgrounds when the children are at play

·     Leaving equipment around

·     Playing music during school hours

If you have any problems, please see the Principal or Caretaker.



The school will ensure that procedures are put in place to monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of all aspects of this policy. This policy will be monitored regularly by the Principal and all other staff and its effectiveness will be evaluated against the aims of the policy once every 2 years or as required.