Play Policy

Play Policy

Policy Statement

St. Columb’s school community recognises the importance of play for all children.

We believe that play provides opportunities for developing children’s:


•            Communication skills

•            Acquisition of target language

•            Confidence and self-esteem

•            Preservation

•            Resilience

•            Positive Peer/adult relationships

•            Safety and security

•            Physical skills

•            Imagination

•            Creativity

•            Social skills

•            Language and literacy

•            Numeracy

•            Thinking skills

•            Self- management

•            Curiosity

•            Exploration

•            Observation skills

•            Open-ended learning

•            Enthusiasm

•            Sense of fun


In St. Columb’s primary school we want to provide our children with the freedom to explore and to enjoy their learning in a safe, healthy and language rich environment.



We aim to deliver the Northern Ireland Curriculum through well planned, appropriately resourced, high quality play, in Foundation Stage (FS) and Early Key Stage One (P3)

 In Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 children will experience learning through high quality, well-planned activities which are age and stage appropriate.



•            Our children will have access to high quality play experiences;

•            We will develop, over time, an approach which will plan for all areas of the curriculum to be delivered, in part, through play;

•            We will ensure that play is an integral feature of FS provision;

•            We will develop attractive, safe, clean and appropriately resourced indoor and outdoor learning environments;

•            In the school year 2022/23 we will develop weekly plans for Literacy, Numeracy and World Around Us, which will include indoor and outdoor play activities.


Planning will be based on the Northern Ireland Curriculum and will have a clear focus on learning outcomes.

There will be short term planning, weekly, in place which will take account of the children’s learning and reflect their needs.

The planning will ensure progression in learning and will be regularly evaluated and updated. It will include some provision of more formal learning within the play setting for Primary 3

Children will have an input into the planning and have opportunities to discuss their learning through, for example plenary sessions.

The Role of the Adult

All adults who work with a class will have a role in delivering play.

The quality of the staff interactions is essential to the learning and should be guided by the planning.

All staff should have an opportunity to develop the quality of their interactions.

All adults have responsibility for observing the children at play and recording key information which will inform future planning and assessment.


Primary 1 Monday – Friday 9.15am – 10.15am

Primary 2 & 3 Monday, Wednesday, Friday 1pm – 2pm

Autumn/Winter: Minimum 1 day outdoor

Summer Term: Minimum 2 days outdoor


Positive Behaviour

During play-based learning the following aspects of our Positive Behaviour policy will be implemented and embedded:

•            We must respect and care for the learning environment;

•            We must always respect and care for the equipment and resources;

•            We must share the equipment and resources;

•            We will be respectful of others and always tidy up after play.

*Appropriate use, care and tidying up of resources to be modelled by adults.


Equality and Inclusion

We will ensure that children of all abilities have access to play and that boys and girls have equal opportunities to play. Children will be encouraged to wear appropriate clothing to allow comfort when accessing play indoors and outdoors.


Health and Safety

Staff will make regular checks of the equipment and grounds and will complete risk assessments as required.


Minimum Temp for going out: -5o C (except for extremely icy conditions)

Heavy Rain: stay indoors

Hot/sunny days: sun cream & hats


Monitoring and Evaluation

The quality of play based learning will be monitored by the Play Coordinator in collaboration with all staff. The monitoring strategies will include:

Monitoring of planning

Samples of children’s work

Classroom observations

P3 Play Diaries


Date agreed: 9th June 2022

Review Date: 9th June 2023